8 ways to leverage your media interviews

If you are not effectively leveraging your media exposure, you are blocking opportunities from flowing into your business. Opportunities like paid speaking gigs, brand partnerships, sales of your programs and more. 

Your media and marketing activities must go hand-in-hand, so your potential clients know you are the expert they need to hire. Here are some ways to start weaving your media interviews into your marketing:

  1. Client proposal

  2. Media page on a website

  3. Media kit

  4. Pitch for paid speaking gig

  5. Newsletters

  6. Social media posts

  7. Email signature

  8. Speaker bio

Curious about what this looks like in practice? Weekly in our PR program, we run a group marketing class and show you how to level up and maximize your media presence so you can make an impact. 

Leverage the media to increase your visibility, influence and revenue!

Download our free media pitch template that all our clients use to book interviews on CTV, Global News, CP24, Cityline, The Social, The Globe and Mail and more.

Book a discovery call and we will map out a PR media strategy for your business. If we feel working together is a mutual fit, we will share more details about our signature PR program.


Jennifer Singh1 Comment