5 tips to master media etiquette from pitch to interview

Media etiquette plays a huge role in whether we become the media’s go-to expert…or a one hit wonder, yikes! In practice media etiquette is the way we “behave” that will help us build relationships with producers and reporters.

It will help you be more confident when approaching the media and understand how to navigate any interaction and most of all protect your brand by leaving the right impression. Here are my five tips to master media etiquette:

  1. Start with pitching a story that is perfect for the media’s show, this will prove you have done your homework

  2. If you don’t hear a response right away (it’s rare, but happens) followup at the appropriate time

  3. Once you are booked make it as easy as possible when the media connects with you to finalize details. Read: don’t send 100 emails back and forth. 

  4. Show up early to set and if you are doing a virtual interview, the same applies.

  5. Be respectful of ALL media. There is a chance you could be working with interns or directly with the on-air talent.  

How do I know all this? I’ve been on both sides, as a reporter and producer booking guests and in the last few years I’ve become a media expert too. I practice what I preach! The experts that are good on-air AND are easy to work with get called back first. That’s the facts!

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